Date Consumed: 28th August 2019
Beer: St Louis Export
Brewed: Kgalagadi Breweries, Gaborone, Botswana
Size: 330mL
Alcohol Content: 4.7%
Sourced: Suitcase from Botswana. Thanks to Jonathan Rudd!
World Beer Rating: 5/10.
Notes: Brewed for the export market. Nice carbonation, refreshing. Not bad at all. Very similar to Carlsberg.

Date Consumed: 28th August 2019
Beer: St Louis Lager
Brewed: Kgalagadi Breweries, Gaborone, Botswana
Size: 330mL
Alcohol Content: 3.5%
Sourced: Suitcase from Botswana. Thanks to Jonathan Rudd!
World Beer Rating: 3/10.
Notes: Not as good as the Export version by a long way. Bland, low carbonation, lacks flavour. Lower alcohol, which may contribute to the poor effort.